Immigration procedure to be a CEO or manager in Japan
Management status is changed to "Management and Control". |
So far, the management status had been required the foreign capital investment, certifications of the registered items, and 2 or more people employee.
So as to be able to welcome Japan widely foreigners to do the management activities of the business in the company, renamed the residence status of "investment and management" current in the "management and control", and the requirement of the foreign capital is canceled on April 1st, 2015.
This change makes the possibility to hire foreign manager, executive, director, or CEO in Japanese capital company with this status.
And also it makes a possibility open the immigration to a foreigner who wants to establish a new company in Japan, but he/she doesn't have no registered company and the statements of the company accounts yet. Government will permit temporary immigration permission for "management and control" status about 4 months. He/she has to establish a registered compnay in Japan within 4 months, and report it immigration bureau and renew to the longer immigration status. If he /she cannnot register the company, residence permission is expired and he/she has to return to his/her country.